Now that you know how the entrepreneurial space is shaping, and that you should be focused on building a real sustainable business let’s take a look at the obstacles you might face in actually creating a real business that has staying power. By exposing and eliminating these problems, you’ll be able to grow your business faster (and easier) than you ever thought possible. These are the same overriding concepts that ultra-wealthy business builders understand and operate on.
The format of this section will be similar to a clinical diagnosis. You’ll see the problem, its symptoms, cause, and an overview of the solution. Then I’ll show you exactly how to fix all of it. Let’s take a look at one fundamental problem most digital marketer’s experience.
Symptom: No One Knows Who the Hell You Are:
Cause: Your marketplace doesn’t know, like, and trust you.
Business Problem: Your brand positioning is weak, or even worse. It is negative and your prospects don’t actually like you.
The underlying premise of this whole document is that it’s much easier to sell people stuff if they:
1. Already want what you’re selling… before you ever even try to sell
2. Know
3. Like
4. Trust
And in the document, I walk you through a psychological and tactical process for making that happen. In fact, the steps are:
1. Positioning
2. Indoctrination
3. Conversion
And all of this gets you to what I call “Multi-Purpose Branding”. This is where you brand yourself as an expert, your business as the solution to your audience’s problems, and you aim to make money – all at the same time.
Plenty of people can copy the actual words in an ad, or the pictures, or even the strategy behind it. But nobody, can ever copy the relationship and bond that you have with your customer base and prospects.
1. You find out the exact type of content that’s going to provide the most value to your ideal prospect, and you present it to them in a way that is going to cause them to bond with you on an emotional and psychological so you’re actually helping them, and you’re also creating a bond with them so they like you.
2. Once you’ve done that then you start showing them ads that pitch things without breaking that bond.
It never occurred to me that you could create long-form content on social and then pay to have that content viewed by complete strangers, and then retarget those complete strangers later.
Phase 1: Staging
Pre-Framing: If we know people are going to assign a label to you the second they see you and your product, then logically, it makes sense that we can actually influence what label we want them to assign. In other words, we can help them decide in advance what something means.
Phase 2: Indoctrination
Indoctrination is where you create a bond with the audience that consume your content – simply because you’ve helped them.
Phase 2: Conversion
Now that we’ve attracted leads, gotten them to opt-in, and have indoctrinated them with our special content, does the sales letter come into play. So what we do now is we use this framework on social through Multi-Purpose Branding and it happens way faster.
Multi-Purpose Branding is all about creating, building, maintaining, nurturing, and strengthening the bond between you and your audience. In a nutshell, the very first thing you want to do in bonding is to create what’s called “affinity” with the marketplace that you’re trying to influence.
The easiest way to do so, is to lean into the fact that everyone cares about themselves, and that’s good because we need to make it our sole focus to show people that we can help them and that everything we do is about them.
In that case what are the immediate steps someone can take to get from unhappy, where they are not getting the results they want, to getting the results you can help them get?
Position Messaging…..
Now, the message itself is super important. What do you stand for? Why would people follow you? What is the core message you want the marketplace to remember you for?
1. It’s all about the lifestyle
2. Automate everything so can have a lifestyle
3. Build a legacy/dynasty
This messaging is about creating emotion. And you create emotion by telling stories. There are three typical types of stories that you can tell that resonates with your marketplace.
Aspirational: This type of story-telling is about painting a bright future for your It’s about showing them something that they will aspire to.
The problem with this one is that a lot of people do it in a very clunky way. You’ll often see internet guys saying things like, “Look at my collection of yachts!” and then they show them being anchored to the dock by a giant solid gold rope. There’s just not any elegance to this. So you want to be authentic and elegant when you do this.